Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 14

We’re not doing so well cutting the crap as a family. It’s hard if one person wants to eat more healthy and the rest of the family just isn’t feeling it. For instance, last night Rob made some wonderful beef stew in the crock pot. The house smelled so delicious when I got home from work that I was instantly hungry… and I stayed that way until dinner. The stew was absolutely mouthwatering – even if Rob was not happy with the level of meat tenderness – and I had seconds because I couldn’t help myself. All the ingredients were fresh, so that was good. What is bad about this, you ask? Well nothing at all. It was what we had for dessert. Rob made pudding… chocolate and butterscotch. It was oh so yummy and oh so bad for us, but I couldn’t resist… it was chocolate after all.

I’m not doing very well with chocolate. I simply cannot – and will not – bring myself to cut it from my diet. Chocolate haunts me everywhere, and I’m beginning to feel like an addict. I’ve been all over the house looking for “stashes”, too. I even raided Megan’s candy cauldron (the place where all candies go.). AND then there’s all the tempting candy at the check-out when I’m getting groceries. Somewhere a little voice tells me I need a Kit Kat or a Snickers, and then I’m done for. I’m pitiful and pathetic, really.


  1. I'm right there with you on the chocolate front. (Did you know my computer at work used to be named chocoholic?) I've gotten better lately, though.

  2. I did NOT know your computer used to be named Chocoholic! Nice!
