Check out the blog on the left. The Diet Blog. The latest post talks about eating bugs as a source of protein. The blog is well-written, and for the most part, I'm in agreement with the author. Here's something that bothered me, though... and it's not the author's stance or how the author put it... it's the very idea: "Let me put my Western-ness aside for a minute, however. Because entomologists at the Dutch Wageningen University -- where research is ongoing into how to make insects more palatable -- make a compelling argument for encouraging humans to reconsider meal worms or locusts as a possible protein source."
Check out the highlighted part. Are scientists trying to put their spin on edible insects now? Will those little creepy crawlies become "processed", too? I'm just sayin'. It makes no sense. Why do we have to "make things more palatable" through science? Why can't we just eat things the way God made them and be happy with that?
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