In an effort to be more efficient around here, upper management has decided that we need to cut out as many afternoon meetings as possible. This, they say, will allow project teams to work uninterrupted through the afternoon, and hopefully they will be more productive. I say HUZZAH to this new cutting-of-the-meetings edict. After all, Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings… They did it by killing all those who opposed them. Just sayin’…
So that made me contemplate how I can cut the crap at work. I probably shouldn’t be looking at Facebook or writing for my blog… Those two are givens. But I think I can actually make a difference by really sharpening my meeting agendas and making sure only the necessary people attend. I also think I can be more efficient in my email writing strategies. I need to make them information dense. I can do that. I think. I’m sure there are a TON of other ways to make things better. I’m going to look into that more.
Last year I started reading a book entitled Managing Workplace Chaos by Patricia Hutchings. It’s a pretty good book that advocated the idea of speed reading to get the info we need. I think I need to pick up this book again and re-read it. Do any of you have good reading suggestions? Or ideas? Tricks? Tips? Anything on cutting the crap at work to become more productive? Talk to me!