Well here’s
something I needed to read! I’d like to
point out that I was “working” when I read this article. I do that.
Between tasks I “cleanse the palate” so to speak with news stories and
quick looks at Facebook. Actually, I
should be moving on to my next task. I
might actually get more accomplished during the day.
This article
listed 7 ways to destroy your productivity at work.
Check your email every two minutes
Keep your desk cluttered
Be as un-ergonomical as possible
Make sure to multitask
Notify the hell out of your life
Allow others to bug you
Create an impossibly long to-do list
Guilty as
charged on all 7 counts. Which is my
biggest offense, you ask? #7. So after I read this article I literally
purged my to-do list. I had SOOOO many
overdue items that nearly 75% of my list was RED. After cutting that crap, you know what? I feel BETTER. I’m not kidding!!! Now my pledge is to keep that to-do list at a
reasonable level.
I think multitasking
is over-rated, but I get caught in that trap on a daily basis. From now on I’m
going to focus on one thing at a time and get each one done in a timely manner.
I have alerts set up for everything. I’ll delete 50% of those after the writing of
this blog post. I check my email all the
time. That I can’t help. I depend on
email at work. Checking that regularly
is kind of a no-brainer.
And then I
cleanse my palate.
Let’s get
back to that.
I read
articles like this one, and I check Facebook.
Truth be told, I check Facebook more frequently than I do email. Starting today, that’s going to change. No longer will I be a slave to this Book of
Face. I’m taking back my productivity,
Mr. Zuckerberg!
complete the items on my to-do list!