Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Welcome Back To Work

Like most of you, I am recovering from my 3-day weekend by going right back to work.  I have a lot on my plate today: meetings & meeting minutes, schedule new meetings, action logs, a project plan review, and even doctor’s appointment.  This is why I decided to find an article of use to you and point you there. 

I didn’t find a good one for you, so I apologize. 

Most of the articles I found about returning to work after a long weekend/holiday/vacation were the usual drivel: get back on a sleep schedule (one person suggested taking drugs to accomplish this), check email BEFORE you head back into the office, mentally prepare yourself (really?), etc..  After taking 10 precious minutes out of my perfectly, overly-busy day, I decided to give up.  You don’t need crap like this. 

Welcome back to work.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Should this be a speech every American high school principal gives?

I got the following via viral email, and it got me thinking.  I agree and disagree with some of these things… In a sense, the author is suggesting that a large scale cutting of the crap should take place in public schools.  Of course, these ideas will never see the light of day, but I wanted to get your take on it anyway. 
I apologize if this is somehow copyright infringement, and will take this down if Mr. Prager asks, but since it was in a viral email, I saw it as now public domain.  
High School Principal Speech
By Dennis Prager

     To the students and faculty of our high school:

     I am your new principal, and honored to be so. There is no greater calling than to teach young people.

     I would like to apprise you of some important changes coming to our school. I am making these changes because I am convinced that most of the ideas that have dominated public education in America have worked against you, against your teachers and against our country.

     First, this school will no longer honor race or ethnicity. I could not care less if your racial makeup is black, brown, red, yellow or white. I could not care less if your origins are African, Latin American, Asian or European, or if your ancestors arrived here on the Mayflower or on slave ships.

     The only identity I care about, the only one this school will recognize, is your individual identity -- your character, your scholarship, your humanity. And the only national identity this school will care about is American. This is an American public school, and American public schools were created to make better Americans.

     If you wish to affirm an ethnic, racial or religious identity through school, you will have to go elsewhere. We will end all ethnicity-, race- and non-American nationality-based celebrations. They undermine the motto of America, one of its three central values -- e pluribus unum, "from many, one." And this school will be guided by America's values.

     This includes all after-school clubs. I will not authorize clubs that divide students based on any identities. This includes race, language, religion, sexual orientation or whatever else may become in vogue in a society divided by political correctness.

     Your clubs will be based on interests and passions, not blood, ethnic, racial or other physically defined ties. Those clubs just cultivate narcissism -- an unhealthy preoccupation with the self -- while the purpose of education is to get you to think beyond yourself. So we will have clubs that transport you to the wonders and glories of art, music, astronomy, languages you do not already speak, carpentry and more. If the only extracurricular activities you can imagine being interesting in are those based on ethnic, racial or sexual identity, that means that little outside of yourself really interests you.

     Second, I am uninterested in whether English is your native language. My only interest in terms of language is that you leave this school speaking and writing English as fluently as possible. The English language has united America's citizens for over 200 years, and it will unite us at this school. It is one of the indispensable reasons this country of immigrants has always come to be one country. And if you leave this school without excellent English language skills, I would be remiss in my duty to ensure that you will be prepared to successfully compete in the American job market. We will learn other languages here -- it is deplorable that most Americans only speak English -- but if you want classes taught in your native language rather than in English, this is not your school.

     Third, because I regard learning as a sacred endeavor, everything in this school will reflect learning's elevated status. This means, among other things, that you and your teachers will dress accordingly. Many people in our society dress more formally for Hollywood events than for church or school. These people have their priorities backward. Therefore, there will be a formal dress code at this school.

     Fourth, no obscene language will be tolerated anywhere on this school's property -- whether in class, in the hallways or at athletic events. If you can't speak without using the f-word, you can't speak. By obscene language I mean the words banned by the Federal Communications Commission, plus epithets such as "Nigger," even when used by one black student to address another black, or "bitch," even when addressed by a girl to a girlfriend. It is my intent that by the time you leave this school, you will be among the few your age to instinctively distinguish between the elevated and the degraded, the holy and the obscene.

     Fifth, we will end all self-esteem programs. In this school, self-esteem will be attained in only one way -- the way people attained it until decided otherwise a generation ago -- by earning it. One immediate consequence is that there will be one valedictorian, not eight.

     Sixth, and last, I am reorienting the school toward academics and away from politics and propaganda. No more time will devoted to scaring you about smoking and caffeine, or terrifying you about sexual harassment or global warming. No more semesters will be devoted to condom wearing and teaching you to regard sexual relations as only or primarily a health issue. There will be no more attempts to convince you that you are a victim because you are not white, or not male, or not heterosexual or not Christian. We will have failed if any one of you graduates this school and does not consider him or herself inordinately lucky -- to be alive and to be an American.

     Now, please stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of our country. As many of you do not know the words, your teachers will hand them out to you.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Can we cut out false prophets?

Can we cut out false prophets?  I mean, really? 

I feel so badly for these people.  They really believed they were going home, and now… well… all they have left are broken dreams and a leader whose only response is that he’s “flabbergasted”.  Well, I’m flabbergasted, too, Mr. Camping.  There really is no way to predict things like these, and you were arrogant enough to think you had it all figured out.  I would hope you’ll issue an apology, but I don’t think you’re going to. 

I don’t have any more to say on this subject.      

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What do wealthy people cut out when "inflation" hits?

This article is laughable at best.  This author says she can save $12,975 THIS SUMMER by cutting certain things out of their budget.  When I read that I thought, “WHAT?  She can really trim that much fat?”  Turns out she lives a pretty posh life, and she didn’t want to tell her children they couldn’t have their normal $5k vacation this year due to “inflation”.  They’re going to get a $400 vacation instead. 

While all of these tips are great ways to cut back (and yay that they can live comfortably), I really don’t think they resonate with most people who simply don’t have that kind of money to throw around in the first place.  I mean, this family normally spends money on things like repainting their house every year or feeding all the bbq guests steaks instead of hamburgers at their 10+ bbqs per summer.


Monday, May 16, 2011


Today I found a red piece of paper in my daughter's backpack.  It was titled "S.O.S: Save Our Support Staff Campaign", and it said very plainly that "due to the state budget cuts reducing funding for our public education" all of our support staff AND the school librarian will no longer have jobs next year.  The red paper proposed that we do a fundraising campaign to raise $18k to hire two TAs for 4 hours a day.  These two TAs would then help with recesses, library work, and teacher support. 

I know that our school - and our school district, for that matter - is fairing far better than most schools across the country.  We actually still had TAs while many districts had gotten rid of them some time ago.  I'm still not okay with it, though.

Here's my question for the day: WHY does our government cut vital things like public education, fire/police services, etc. instead of cutting the CRAP out of other areas of our budget? I'm not a politician.  I don't know much about public policy.  My logical brain, though, tells me that there have to be PLENTY of other areas we could make cutbacks in order to come up with a mere $18k.  Heck, I bet some cutbacks could even garner twice that much.

But that won't happen.  Someone somewhere is getting a nice little kickback or getting some obscure research project funded while other people are losing their jobs. Children will have less attention from their teachers, and the student/teacher ratio will go up.  Classroom education will suffer. 

I'm going to help raise funds, AND I'm going to volunteer in my daughter's classroom to help offset the burden.  At this point, that's all I can do. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Go Forth and Be Breathless

My father’s name was Richard.  He was a good man who loved his family and his country.  And cars.  He LOVED cars.  He always had something he was working on in the garage. 

Today he would have been 63 years old.  Happy Birthday, Daddy.

When he was 39 he was diagnosed with a brain tumor and was told he had a year to live.  Radiation, surgery, chemo, and 9 years later the Good Lord took him home.  He fought long enough to see both of his children graduate from high school, to see his daughter graduate from college, to walk his daughter down the aisle, and to know his first grandchild was on the way.  Still, 48 is way too young for a father to leave his family.  

He was a quiet fighter, and he was the strongest man I have ever known.  Until I breathe my last, he will always be my hero.  While I still mourn his loss, today I celebrate my father’s life.   

So why do I post this in a blog about cutting the crap?  Because life is short, People.  Cut out all the bitterness you have.  Cut the crap you tell yourself for why you don’t spend more time with your loved ones.  Pick up the phone.  Make a trip.  Cut the excuses.  Make every moment count.  

 “Life is not measured by how many breaths you take, but by what takes your breath away.”  With that, I urge you to go forth and be breathless. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

First Person: Living a Six-Figure Lifestyle on a $30,000 Salary - Yahoo! Finance

First Person: Living a Six-Figure Lifestyle on a $30,000 Salary - Yahoo! Finance

I thought this was a great article to show that IT CAN BE DONE. You don't have to spend a fortune to live well. Like the author, Rob and I bought a short-sale home in a FANTASTIC neighborhood that we could not have afforded otherwise. Like the author, Rob and I now only buy used cars, and if we can, we pay cash for them. I think thrift stores are a great idea. My favorite winter coat was a thrift store find, and I got it for only $15. I had it dry cleaned, and it's perfect! When I was preggers, I couldn't see spending hundreds of $$ on a wardrobe I wouldn't continue to wear after the baby got here. So I went to the thrift store yet again and got some fantastic clothes for very little.

Comment here and let me know how you all CUT THE CRAP by buying used... share ideas, great places to get clothes, smart negotiating tips for buying used cars... ANYTHING!

Monday, May 9, 2011

There’s a lot of crap in this post…

I haven’t blogged since before vacation.  I have a lot to talk about today, but I highly doubt I’ll get it all out.  J  We’ll see.  Here we go.

Cutting the Crap Vacation-style
We had a wonderful time in CA visiting family and friends.  We spent a full day at the beach and of course we did Disneyland.  We also visited the Queen Mary, the Aquarium of the Pacific, the Corona Del Mar Tidepools, In-n-Out (twice), and had dinner at Ruby’s on the Seal Beach Pier.  That’s only a smattering of our adventures, but you get the picture.
I think next time we can cut more crap, though.  For instance, LUGGAGE.  Our flight out of CO Springs was great.  We got on the plane with the greatest of ease.  This was because they checked our bags for free in CO Springs.  When we flew out of Long Beach, they did not.  Trying to haul a family of four  (that includes a very active toddler) through TSA WITH a crap-ton of carry-on bags was an exercise in insanity.  Next time I’m going to check all of the luggage even if it costs extra.  As far as I’m concerned, it’s worth my peace of mind.   
And a note to all you parents of young children.  The Ghosts and Legends tour on the Queen Mary isn’t exactly palatable for younger audiences.  Rob and I thought Megan would be fine, but 5 minutes into the tour, Megan made a hasty exit and refused to go back into the bowels of the ship.  LOL  We had to stay topside where she could see SUN for the rest of the time we were there.  Hahaha!
Cutting the Crap Illness-style
Megs threw up the morning of my birthday.  On our way to the hotel the night before we flew home, Megs threw up all over the backseat of our rental car.  The Friday after we got home, X threw up, and didn’t really stop for 4 or 5 days.  For the life of us, we couldn’t figure out where they got the illness until we took X to the doctor the following week.  She asked if our children had been exposed to any water.  Well, duh.  Yeah.  They’d been at the beach on two different occasions, and on one, X had fallen face-first into a run-off stream.  Bingo.  Next time, we’ll be avoiding that.  LOL  

And BTW, I’m SO SICK of my family being sick that it isn’t even funny.

Cutting the Crap Work-style
A few weeks ago I posted regarding cutting the crap at work.  When I got back from vacation, I had the leads from my SL team here in Denver Metro for two weeks.  We made great progress in planning our next project, so I have a few take-aways for the rest of you.  Schedule as few meetings as possible and laser-beam the meetings you have.  Make sure all the right folks are in the room the FIRST time so you don’t have to reschedule the meeting.  We managed to cram a month’s worth of work into two weeks AND still feel good about it.  I’ll blog more about this later.  J  

Okay… I have tons more, but I need to let that go for now.  Some of my ideas are single-post worthy so I’ll get to those soon.  J