Thursday, January 10, 2013

A few things you should know about me

Okay, Everyone, here are a few things I think you need to know about me.  I don’t fit neatly into any little box, politically speaking or otherwise, and I’d wager that many of you blur the lines as well.  Let’s look at our fellow world citizens as HUMAN BEINGS and stop labeling people. 

I am a Christ Follower, but I believe in religious freedom.  I’m not a bigot, and I’m not going to beat you over the head with my faith.  I love you – no matter who or what you are – because I’m trying to follow Jesus’ example.  

In my faith, Jesus is perfect.  I am not, nor do I pretend to be, so cut me some slack when I blow it. 
And you know what?  I’m not going to apologize for my faith, just as you shouldn’t apologize for what you believe.  “Faith”, in and of itself, is NOT offensive.    
I support the 2nd Amendment, but I believe that any citizen who owns a firearm should prove he is properly trained to use one… OH and that he’s not a freaking psycho.  I believe that violent crimes can be and are committed by any means necessary (baseball bats, automobiles, bare hands, etc.)  by the idiots that perpetrate them… not just people who possess (legally or illegally) firearms.  Getting rid of firearms is not the answer.  It’s merely treating a symptom of a MUCH larger problem.  

I believe that abortion solely as a means of birth control is wrong, but I fully support the use of birth control and all the education that should go along with that.  Numbers show that the more access women have to birth control, the less likely they are to get an abortion.  Ladies, educate yourselves and your daughters! If you’ve had an abortion or you support abortion, I love you.  I don’t hate you, and I’m not going to tell you what to do with your body… just like you shouldn’t be telling people like Michelle Duggar what she should be doing with hers. 
I believe we should take care of our planet.  It is a gift and should be treated as such.  

I believe LOVE should make the world go ‘round, not money.  Unfortunately, the latter is true.  We should love our fellow humans despite this, though, because Corporations are not going to.

I firmly believe we should give people a hand up, not a hand out, when they need it.  Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day.  Teach him to fish, and you’ll feed him for a lifetime.  I think education is the number one way to accomplish this.  

I think if you have the means, you should give something back to your fellow man.  If we all did this, no one would be screaming about the “2%”, because we’d all be taking care of each other.  HUH.  What a novel idea!

Life is too short to hold a grudge.  Let it go.

If someone disagrees with me, so be it.  I welcome healthy, civil debate.  Our thoughts and ideas help shape who we are, and if we can’t see past our own views, then we might be missing out on something great.  I’m not saying you should compromise your beliefs.  I’m saying present them with intelligence, and then respectfully consider another person’s view before dismissing it.  While you’re doing this, don’t be afraid to admit you might be wrong.  Just sayin’… 

I’m still learning.  We all are.  If I stumble a bit on my quest for knowledge, please help me up.  I’ll do the same for you.  

Okay.  So there they are, those few things about me.  I’m not going to apologize for anything, but I do welcome your thoughts.  Bring it on!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Domestic Production is Making a Comeback! Cut out the imported Crap!

According to Entrepreneur Magazine, domestic production is making a comeback!  This is great news for families here in the US. 

I haven't always been one to check labels to see where things are made, mostly because I shop at places like Walmart.  Don't hate me.  My family is on a budget, and I'm doing the best I can.  Lately, however, I've been a little more conscious of what I'm putting in my grocery basket.  Why?  Because I'm learning that cheaper isn't better.  It's usually just cheap. 

Before the holidays, I started shopping online with Melaleuca.  They have concentrated cleaners/detergents/etc that are not only better for the environment, they're better for my house.  They have more natural ingredients than many cleaners out there, and they don't cost an arm and a leg.  In fact, I'm getting better quality stuff for about what I pay at Walmart. 

Why do I bring this up, you ask?  Because these products are American made!  The only thing imported is the Melalueca (tea tree) oils.  These come from New Zealand and Melaleuca (a US company) owns the farms there.  So, the bottom line stays here in The States!  Good stuff! 

All of this is to tell you to start looking at labels.  One of the BEST ways to boost our economy and help reduce the crazy debt our country is in (Fiscal Cliff, Anyone?) is to buy domestic to increase our GNP (Gross National Product... I think).  You CAN get quality goods made right here in the US!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013. Here I go again.

I at first thought I was the worst blogger ever.  I've been gone since August, and when I came back to look at this, I cringed.  Then I realized that there are MANY other bloggers our there that take breaks.  Maybe they don't do it as frequently as I do... or for as long, but that's okay. 

Here I go again. 

2013.  It's a new year.  It's time to start afresh.  Time for resolutions, goals, hopes... Losing weight is always at the top of our lists.  After that we want to save more and spend less, spend more time with our kids, live life to the fullest, and so on and so forth.  And in three months very few of us will be doing them any longer. We lose steam.  Give up.  Spend our money on other things. In fact, did you know that only 8% of the people who make resolutions actually accomplish them?  Where do they get this stuff?  Apparently, someone actually collects that info. Check it out.  Interesting stuff.

So this year I'm cutting the crap.  I'm not going to make any resolutions I won't keep... except one:  LIVE.  If life is what we make it, then I'm going to make it great! 

So talk to me, People.  What are your new year's resolutions?